Facial Fillers
Research in cosmetic surgery and the aging face increasingly recognizes the importance of facial volume loss with age. Rejuvenating procedures 25 years ago primarily focused on simply tightening skin and patients were left appearing tighter but not necessarily younger. Today’s treatments often focus on rebuilding volume in specific areas of the face. Katherine J. Zamecki-Vedder, MD, FACS, board-certified ophthalmologist, fellowship-trained oculoplastic surgeon, is able to restore youthful volume and reduce static wrinkles with facial fillers. Performed in the office with no significant downtime and minimal discomfort, fillers are used in the tear trough, brows, cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jowls, chin, temples, lips and along the jawline. Fillers available include all fo the Juvederm® and Restylane® family of products, as well as Sculptra®. A customized plan will be developed to address your specific concerns. Call 203-791-2020 to schedule a consultation.
Get Started
Call 203-791-2020 to schedule your facial fillers consultation with Katherine J. Zamecki-Vedder, MD, FACS.